33rd ITPA DivSOL Topical Group Meeting


June 6-9 2023


Oak Ridge, TN

Joint Institute for Computational Sciences, ORNL

Important dates

This is the 33rd Scrape-Off-Layer & Divertor Topical Group meeting at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. The meeting will be from Tuesday morning, June 6th to Friday noon, June 9th.

Group information



The physics studied by the Scrape-Off-Layer (SOL) and Divertor Topical Group covers a wide range of issues. Starting at the first wall surface, issues include plasma-material interactions and their dependence on materials, and hydrogen isotope recycling and their storage in the first-wall. A more engineering-like issue is the first wall geometry and material and how these affect operation. Moving into the divertor and SOL plasmas, the issues are related to transport (parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field) of hydrogenic and impurity species. At the SOL/core interface this group shall address the relationship between core and edge confinement (e.g. H-modes and density limits) as well as understanding the changes in core confinement on the edge and first-wall (e.g. Edge Localized Modes) and the resultant heat loads.


The Scrape-Off-Layer and Divertor Topical Group shall focus their tasks on the following topics:


Juergen Rapp, co-chair and local organizer: rappj@ornl.gov, +1-865-5741180

Gwen Green, Administrative Assistant: greenga@ornl.gov, +1-865-5740988